澳洲注册会计师Australia certified public accountants
The world's largest professional accounting bodies, one of Australia of certified public accountants (CPA Australia) has announced, in 2012 the first semester Australia registered accountant course (CPA Program) professional stage test registration will be on December 9, 2011 official start, the deadline for on 30 January 2012. In addition, Australia accountants Beijing representative office and Shanghai office will also during this period were held free consulting lecture, to attend study and enter oneself for an examination of the certified public accountant course Australia people from all walks of providing advisory services.
At present, the global economy is at important structure adjustment period, the Chinese companies and Chinese brand "go out" create the important period of strategic opportunities. According to statistics, 2010 years of Chinese investors to over 129 countries and regions of the 3125 foreign enterprise, and direct investment, accumulative total realization of non-financial outward foreign direct investment of $59 billion. By the end of 2010, China enterprise invested overseas enterprise more than 1.5, non-financial sectors foreign direct investment stock $258.8 billion, outside the enterprise assets worth more than 1 trillion dollars. Along with the enterprise internationalization level of rapid ascension, the Chinese economy needs a large number of international level and international professional qualifications for certified public accountants high-end talent team, with more efficient, more safely deal with both domestic and overseas market and make use of two resources. This shows, get professional international accounting group qualification authentication of the internationalized personnel will be in the future job market have a broader development space. Certified public accountant course by Australian of the training of the business leaders, will play an important role of the think-tank, how to grasp the opportunities for the enterprise circles.
Certified public accountant course includes Australia based stage and professional stage of 14 a subject: basic stage covers eight basic disciplines, and for students to provide solid basic accounting knowledge. Professional stage by six subjects composition, aims to improve the students of analysis, judgement, decision making and reporting skills. Different degree and work of the background of the people, but from different starting point Australia certified public accountant course.
Australia certified public accountant course distinguishing feature, focus on training the members in the strategic, leadership and international business should have the quality. Course for the future of business leaders to provide to the forefront of theoretical knowledge, operation experience and international vision. Through the CPA association of Australia cultivating business leaders, will greatly help to realize the national Chinese government from global manufacturing center to the transformation of the innovation center.#p#分页标题#e#
And local Chinese higher education institutions and professional group cooperation is Australia of certified public accountants is an important content of development in China. At present, Australia has authorized the CPA association tongji university in Shanghai, Beijing an institute of certified public accountants, northeast university of finance and economics offered certified public accountant course such as Australia training centre for the qualification of CPA Australia are made from various circles of society to provide more of a kind of learning support, help students achieve better test scores.
In the world, Australia accountants also and came from Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Malaysia and other countries and regions of 9 accounting group signed the qualification mutual recognition agreements, assist members can not only in local development business, can be in more international market development space, thus become a global leader. In addition, Australia accountants or Australia authorized by the government to review accountant professional group Australia one of immigration.
With more than one hundred years history of Australia accountants depending on the training and strategic business leaders as own duty, by providing professional accounting qualification approved by the global and international, practical, professional for the integration of the course help enhance the competitiveness of China's accounting talent, wins the general employers of all ages. 2011 years of certified public accountants is Australia, the 125th anniversary of the founding of certified public accountants in Sydney Australia held the big celebration activities, Chinese entrepreneurs member representatives and college students also invited representatives attended the celebration activities to Australia, and from the global business, government, academia member representatives to celebrate Australia accountants more than a century of brilliant development course, and its global accounting career development in education has made great contributions.
全球最大的专业会计团体之一——澳洲会计师公会(CPA Australia)日前宣布,2012年第一学期澳洲注册会计师课程(CPA Program)专业阶段考试报名将于2011年12月9日正式启动,截止日期为2012年1月30日。此外,澳洲会计师公会北京代表处和上海办事处还将在此期间分别举行免费咨询讲座,为有意参加学习和报考澳洲注册会计师课程的各界人士提供咨询服务。
与中国本土的高等院校和专业团体开展合作也是澳洲会计师公会在华发展的重要内容。目前,澳洲会计师公会已授权上海同济大学, 北京注册会计师协会、东北财经大学等开办澳洲注册会计师课程培训中心,为有志于取得澳洲注册会计师资格的社会各界人士提供多一种学习支持,帮助学员取得更好的考试成绩。
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